NUS Professor Henry Yeung Makes Headlines on the Road Again

In a disconcerting turn of events, a distinguished professor from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has once again made headlines for his behavior on the road.

This marks the second incident involving Professor Henry Yeung Wai Chung, who, despite facing legal consequences in 2018, was recently caught on video displaying dangerous driving behavior yet again. T

Incident 1: 2018 – Dangerous Driving in a Maserati

In 2018, Professor Yeung found himself at the center of controversy when he was caught driving his Maserati recklessly along Lorong Chuan. 

The court heard that he had a history of traffic offenses, including speeding, inconsiderate driving, and careless driving, for which he had been fined up to $200 each.

Despite these earlier penalties, he remained undeterred, culminating in his dangerous driving incident in September 2018.

Yeung’s dangerous maneuvers included overtaking a white car on the right, crossing a single continuous white line into oncoming traffic, and later attempting to overtake a lorry by mounting the kerb and driving against the flow of traffic. 

Fortunately, there were no reported injuries, but the incident was captured on video and circulated on social media, leading to his arrest on September 12, 2018.

He pleaded guilty and faced the maximum fine of $5,000, coupled with a 13-month disqualification from driving.

NUS acknowledged the incident, stating that they were reviewing the court’s decision and considering disciplinary proceedings against Professor Yeung.

Incident 2: 2023 – Road Raging, now in a BMW

Fast forward to November 3, 2023, and Professor Yeung is once again making headlines for the wrong reasons. 

This time, driving a BMW along Tomlinson Road, he was captured on video confronting another motorist for allegedly not giving way.

In the footage, he was seen gesturing angrily and uttering profanities, wearing an NUS t-shirt, showcasing a blatant disregard for road etiquette.

This recent incident reignites concerns about Professor Yeung’s behavior on the road, leading to public outcry and demands for stricter penalties. 

Netizens, in response to the video, expressed disbelief that he had not been banned from driving for life after his 2018 offense.

Should Higher Penalties Be Imposed?

The recurrence of Professor Yeung’s reckless driving behavior raises questions about the effectiveness of previous penalties and the need for more stringent measures to ensure road safety.

As a respected member of the academic community, his actions serve as a stark reminder that traffic rules apply to everyone, regardless of status. 

In response to the recurrence of Professor Yeung’s reckless driving behavior, there may be considerations for Singaporean authorities, including NUS, to assess the situation and explore potential actions. 

Addressing such patterns could be important for reinforcing adherence to traffic regulations and promoting road safety.

A thoughtful evaluation of existing measures may be warranted to minimize the likelihood of repeat offenses and ensure the well-being of all motorists in Singapore. 

Have a story to share? 

Accidents occur frequently, but as responsible road users, we can collectively contribute to reducing their frequency. 

If you or someone you know has a video or story to share, please do not hesitate to email us at 

Together, we can all contribute to creating safer roads for everyone. 


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Featured Images from TODAY and SG ROAD VIGILANTE 


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