You Can Now Be Rewarded as a Responsible Motorist!

Launch of New Campaign

In a bid to enhance road safety and foster responsible driving and riding habits, the Traffic Police (TP) and Singapore Road Safety Council (SRSC) recently unveiled the “Reward the Sensible Motorists” campaign. 

This initiative, launched on April 1, 2024, at the TP Headquarters, aims to recognise and reward motorists who exhibit exemplary behaviour on Singapore’s roads.

Assoc Prof Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Minister of State for the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of National Development, was the Guest of Honour at the event.

Photo of MOS Faishal, Chairman of SRSC, Mr Bernard Tay, and SI Nazrul Ariffin Bin Abdullah, TP Patrol Officer presenting a goodie bag to a sensible motorcyclist

Expanding the Initiative

Formerly known as “Reward the Riders,” the campaign has been expanded to include both motorcyclists and drivers and is now termed “Reward the Sensible Motorists.”

This expansion acknowledges the vital role both groups play in ensuring road safety. The campaign, spanning six months from April 1 to September 30, 2024, seeks to encourage safe and responsible driving and riding practices among motorists.

Photo of MOS Faishal presenting a goodie bag to a sensible motorcyclist

Rewards and Recognition

Motorists demonstrating safe behaviour, such as signalling before lane changes and yielding to pedestrians, stand a chance to be rewarded. 

TP officers will identify and present these individuals with a goodie bag containing special collectables. 

Furthermore, these commendable motorists will be showcased on TP’s “Use Your RoadSense” Facebook page, inspiring others. 

Exceptional contributors will also receive special accolades during the Singapore Ride Safe event scheduled for October 2024.

Government’s Perspective

Minister of State Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim emphasised the importance of TP’s educational, engagement, and enforcement efforts, highlighting the “Reward the Sensible Motorists” campaign as a pivotal initiative. 

He urged businesses managing large vehicle fleets to prioritise safety and cultivate a “safety first” culture among employees, thereby contributing to safer roads.

Police Urged Motorists to Ride and Drive Safely 

Senior Assistant Commissioner Daniel Tan, on the other hand, reiterated the shared responsibility for road safety, emphasising the lasting impact of traffic accidents on families.

He urged motorists to uphold good driving and riding habits, even without police presence, advocating for patience and graciousness on the roads.

Photo of SGT(3) Muhammad Adzlan Bin Hussein, TP Patrol Officer presenting a goodie bag to a sensible driver

Singapore Road Safety Council Chairman Bernard Tay hailed the campaign as an effective platform to promote responsible road usage.

He expressed hope that motorists recognised for their exemplary behaviour would inspire others to follow suit, furthering the cause of road safety.

The “Reward the Sensible Motorists” campaign stands as a testament to Singapore’s commitment to fostering a culture of safety and responsibility on its roads. 

Through recognition and rewards, the initiative not only celebrates exemplary behaviour but also serves as a beacon for others to emulate.

As motorists unite in the quest for safer roads, the campaign embodies the collective effort required to create a conducive environment for all road users in Singapore.

Have a story to share? 

Accidents occur frequently, but as responsible road users, we can collectively contribute to reducing their frequency. 

If you or someone you know has a video or story to share, please do not hesitate to email us at 

Together, we can all contribute to creating safer roads for everyone. 


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