What road marking is this?


If you’ve never seen this road marking before, you aren’t the first person.

One of our ROADS.sg users has pointed out, in a message to our editorial team, that a recent issue of Cabby, the in-house Comfort-Delgro e-magazine (Issue 87/June2019) printed a graphic that he found unfamiliar.

On page 12 of the magazine, the infographic shows a double yellow zig zag with an additional single yellow line. The additional text states: “No parking at all times; Only for immediate pick-up and drop-off. 不得停车;仅限立即接送”

As far as we know here at ROADS, there is no such road marking rule or design on Singaporean roads.

Re-educating ourselves with the Land Transport Authority’s website regarding road markings, located here, the ROADS editorial team was unable to find even a whisper of this Comfort-Delgro marking.


You can find the link to the stated issue of Comfort-Delgro’s Cabby here





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