The Dark Side of Rental Cars in Singapore

Lately we’ve seen a rise in accidents involving rental vehicles. “It’s always the GetGo cars” they say. So is it just a GetGo curse ? Or is there actually a reason behind all these car rental horror stories that we hear all the time. 

The Hall of Shame 

Indeed, it seems like these car rental companies are having a hard time dealing with their customers on the roads.

From drivers causing havoc in a multistory car park by driving 50 km/h to ‘accidentally’ reverse into Bukit Panjang car park lot with the door open. 

These had been making headlines recently. Not only does it paint a bad picture on drivers that are driving these rental vehicles but it also poses a threat to other road users. 

Source: TODAY Online

Possible Causes 

Accidents happen all the time and especially on the roads of Singapore where traffic volume is high. 

Of course, the news that we see today may not be fair to drivers that are driving these rental vehicles. 

However, there may actually be valid explanations for these accidents involving rental vehicles


  1. Inexperienced Drivers 

One prevalent argument points to the inexperience of drivers renting these vehicles as a primary cause of accidents.

With accessibility to cars with car rentings just  within a few clicks away, it has also become a habit for drivers to only drive when they really need to. 

This can be only during the weekends or the holidays when they are traveling out to somewhere less convenient by public transport. 

This also means less frequent driving which also means less experience. 

These drivers may have attained their license more than a year ago but might not have the chance to drive as frequently as they would hope to. 

  1. Complacent Drivers 

In an article published by TODAY, it mentioned that users have reported instances of poorly maintained cars, raising questions about the overall safety of the rental fleet. 

In that same report, experts, including Dr. Prateek Bansal from the National University of Singapore, refers to a South Korean study indicating that car-sharing services may contribute to worsened road safety due to drivers’ irresponsible attitudes, especially among those with little regard for vehicles they don’t own.

  1. Poorly Maintained Vehicles 

While a car sharing platform user Mr. Ahmad Syatibi when interviewed by TODAY argued that the quality of the cars affects accident rates, Dr. Bansal notes that it might be too harsh to solely attribute accidents to poor maintenance.

However, car-sharing companies, such as BlueSG, GetGo, and Drivelah, assert that they adhere to regular cleaning and maintenance practices while collecting timely feedback from customers to rectify any defects promptly. 

Source: Mothership

Prioritizing Safety and Responsible Usage 

One incident involving GetGo cars reversing into a parking lot and crashing into parked cars in Punggol underscore the potential risks associated with rental vehicles. 

These cases highlight the need for both drivers and rental companies to prioritize safety and responsible usage.

Have a story to share? 

Accidents occur frequently, but as responsible road users, we can collectively contribute to reducing their frequency. 

If you or someone you know has a video or story to share, please do not hesitate to email us at 

Together, we can all contribute to creating safer roads for everyone. 


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