Lorry Skids and Knocked Down Lamp Post on Bras Basah Road; Pedestrians Life Spared

In a turn of events reminiscent of a cinematic scene, a lorry lost control, skidded, and knocked down a lamp post on Bras Basah Road.

Screengrab from ROADS.sg / Facebook

Fortunately, aside from the 36-year-old driver, no one else was injured in the accident.

A video submitted to us, dated 11 October, captures the accident which took place around 7:40 am. 

In the footage, shot from a car travelling perpendicular to the lorry, the car was then moving off as the traffic lights turned green.

Two pedestrians are visible, attempting to cross the road, looking to the left as they do so.

 Remarkably, one pedestrian, only inches away from the lamp post, can be seen dashing forward, narrowly escaping the crash.

Screengrab from ROADS.sg / Facebook

One netizen commented, “That pedestrian should thank his lucky stars.”

Screengrab from ROADS.sg / Facebook

Another remarked, “Near miss, lucky(for) the pedestrian.”

Screengrab from ROADS.sg / Facebook

Though the recording lacks audio, it’s plausible that sounds of skidding or crashing were audible as the lorry neared the junction.

 A mere few seconds later, the video shows the lorry careening into the lamp post, causing it to topple.

Notably, the lorry’s speed resulted in the lamppost’s fall, with the lorry swerving into the opposite lane as it capsized.

Screengrab from ROADS.sg / Facebook

According to a news report by The Straits Times, the truck is believed to have skidded.

They reported that the driver was conscious and subsequently taken to Singapore General Hospital.

A toppled lamp post lay in front of the School of the Arts Singapore building, surrounded by debris. A Nissan pick-up truck was also spotted on its right side in front of a nearby eatery.

An image of the accident scene / Straits Times 

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Accidents occur frequently, but as responsible road users, we can collectively contribute to reducing their frequency. 

If you or someone you know has a video or story to share, please do not hesitate to email us at writer@roads.sg 

Together, we can all contribute to creating safer roads for everyone. 


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